Sunday, October 17, 2004

My Dream Comes On Broken Wings

Staring into brightness, feeling the oppression of hues, I sleep awake
Im waiting and wondering, I hold on the fragments of a dream that was to be,
Its moments like these that the intangible seem real, watching butterflies die,
Still coloured but never ever real again, Caressed by the winds of time, they flee my lungs
I try to scream my dreams, yet they come out shattered
Here I am, You are the only one, I let go, I fail, I faltered
Broken and made my mistakes, My whole life grounded into a single dark hole
No one makes me as happy as when you made me whole,
Pound away at these glass lives, see through me, please...why do memories of you not leave me?
My heart is afloat on a thousand memories, a thousand fading memories of you
Let me go, I know memories of you would burn me inside and render me old,
Yet, like moths drawn to a singeing single flame, my heart is aflutter with your burning hurting memories,
CRY it out, tear it out, I scratch it out and attempt to cross it out,
It fades but never fully, The pain abates but never completely,
I'm left here fighting to keep the ghost of your memory from leaving me,
Yet every strand, every fragment of these memories cut me up inside like a thousand razor blades stuck into my heart,
My heart bleeds the darkest tears, The darkest unseen tears
Me, myself and I struggle with this torrent, an endless painful flood, an endless craving drug
What is good for me, never is good enough
A lone voice unheard is a lone pain unfurled,
I bear my scars only so deep only so far, yet i know not this distance, know not this depths,
I only scream when it is going to be unheard, I only bleed when it is unstained,
My private crown of thorns only pricks when it not worn for sympathy,
Repeatedly burnt, scorned and forlorned, Can't you see the cyclical pain in me?
Its like a ball of broken glass that you hold next to your heart,
The pain is the only reminder to me, that I was loved and could love.
The literal absconds with the idea of the lateral,
Pain is love, Love is pain has never been so indistinguishable,
It abides in me, Its abode is me,

This bit of work is dedicated and in memory of someone whom was loved and loved by me,
She was a beacon that showed me that my darkness of heart and thought only existed for the lack of her light. It is truly darker still when there was a light and now its gone.

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